Monday, November 1, 2010

Photo Adjustments - Color & Light

 [Note: I finally resolved my technical difficulties with Adobe Photoshop. The short story is my video card is insufficient for OpenGL Drawing so I had to disable this function (all I needed to do was un-check a box, who knew?). I have been having fun playing around in Photoshop this week and re-learning what I had learned on GIMP]

Original photograph

 Photograph with Auto Exposure Correction applied. Hue and Saturation increased (slider moved to the right).

Photograph with Auto Exposure Correction applied. Hue decreased (slider moved to the left) and Saturation increased (slider moved to the right).

 I really like the ease with which a picture can be manipulated to look completely different than the original. However, I did not see much difference when I attempted Color Cast Correction using Levels Color Channels. Did anyone else see much change when they 'played' with this feature?

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