Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 7: Image Size, Crop, Selection and Move

The three photographs above are my rather crude attempts to edit with GIMP. [I have Adobe, but I am suffering technical difficulties so I switched to GIMP for this assignment.] I am still struggling with isolating a single image, removing it and pasting it to another picture. [If you read this and you've figured it out for GIMP, please let me know.]


  1. Nice job. I like the concept of the center photo. It could be cool if you only copied the flowers and not the individual back grounds and blurred all of the backgrounds together to make it look like one scene.

  2. I agree. I am still trying to figure out all the tools. The good news is that now my Photoshop software is working and there is a lot of useful information on the web, etc for working with Photoshop. I can't wait to play with this new system.
